[Enjoying Meals with Small Dishes]

I made my favorite butter chicken curry today. Normally, I serve a large dish with plenty of rice and roux, and I usually have a second helping, but today I dared to choose a “small dish.”

It's amazing how a small dish naturally allows you to serve less, and furthermore, when you see the food filling the dish and your eyes, both your eyes and your brain feel satisfied that it's enough. For me, as a member of a generation that wants to be more health-conscious by now, this may be an opportunity to not only curb my overeating, but also to think about the proper amount of food that does not put a burden on my body. I felt that it was a good idea.

Once you have a smaller main dish, the next step is to devise the accompanying dishes so that you can be aware of the overall quantity and nutritional balance. When you eat while feeling whether you are eating a well-balanced meal and whether there is any nutritional deficiency, you can better experience the connection between your health and your daily diet, and you will naturally feel more appreciative of food. Eating with an awareness of “just a little bit of what you want to eat” is likely to become a habit that is kind to both your body and your mind.

The small action of “changing the dish” can create a change in one's habits as well. A small size that may be a little small for your main use may actually be perfect for you. The year-end and New Year holidays provide more opportunities to enjoy food, and we encourage you to take this opportunity to try out “small dishes.”

Seiryugama's Kobachi L
Ichiyougama's Plate