It is the time of year when we see May dolls, Kabuto decorations, carp streamers, and other decorations for Children's Day on May 5. Families with boys, in particular, often prepare gorgeous dishes for the celebration. At that time, "chimaki" and "kashiwa-mochi" are eaten to ward off bad luck and bring prosperity to offspring. However, in Hokkaido, where Otaru Showroom is located, and in some parts of the Tohoku region, there is a custom to eat "beko-mochi" in addition to these foods.
There are some differences in appearance between beko-mochi in Hokkaido and those in the Tohoku region, but the standard beko-mochi in Hokkaido is leaf-shaped and comes in two colors, brown and white. The brown part is made with brown sugar, and the difference in taste between the white and brown parts can be enjoyed.
The origin of the name beko-mochi is not known for sure, but some say that it comes from "beko," meaning cow, because the two colors of brown (black) and white resemble the pattern of a cow, or that it was called "bekko-mochi" because the brown part was compared to the color of "bekko," or "beko-mochi," meaning rice cake made from rice flour (beiko). There are various theories as to the origin of the rice cake. There are various theories as to its origin, but it is thought that the "kujira-mochi," a rice cake from Yamagata and Aomori prefectures, changed its shape and name to "beko-mochi" in Hokkaido, and spread. This is a strong theory, as there are still areas in southern Hokkaido where the name kujira-mochi is still used.
Beko-mochi is sold on Children's Day alongside "kashiwa-mochi," but it is also a standard Japanese confectionery found in the wagashi corners of supermarkets and convenience stores all year round. It is also a popular specialty of Hokkaido, boasting strong popularity as a teacake that goes well with a cup of hot tea.
Otaru Showroom