151118 5493

151118 5517

151118 5138

151118 5155

[New Item] Tsujiwa Kanaami's Sesame Roaster has been added.

Shells of sesames are shaken off through the mesh of the sesame roaster, allowing users to roast tasty and pleasant-smelling sesames. Keep the roaster 20cm apart from the fire and lightly roast sesames before they scorch. Users may also roast small volumes of beans, coffee beans, and ginkgo nuts. It is a longtime seller that has been produced in the same form for more than 50 years.

151118 11645


151118 11534

151118 11525

This is a silver spoon that was gifted by the Emperor and Empress in Japan at the birth of their granddaughters. It is a baby spoon that devised a curve of possession so that it is easy to grip firmly even with the small hand of a child.

In the West, there is a saying that "a child born with a silver spoon will be happy," and there is a custom of giving silver spoons at birthday celebration and baptism.

Miyamoto Shoko's Silver Baby Spoon